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Café Ex

Café Ex - Alexandra Gelis

Café Ex - Alexandra Gelis

Screening + book launch in Ottawa, Canada. June 7, 2023
“Alexandra Gelis: Seeds” a book edited by Mike Hoolboom and Clint Enns.
Canadian Film Institute and Conversalon Collective.

Canadian Film Institute’s third and final presentation in the 24th season of Café Ex is a presentation of the impressive, inventive, and searching work of Alexandra Gelis. Based in Toronto, Gelis is a Colombian-Venezuelan artist living between Canada, Panama, and Colombia. Her unique moving image practice is research-based, process-oriented, and multi-disciplinary. It incorporates film, photography, drawing, and multimedia. Exploring ideas of memory, identity, corporeality, history, and time itself, Gelis’s moving image works are at once tender and tough-minded, startling and confrontational, poetic and political.

Alexandra Gelis will attend the screening to introduce and discuss her work.